I have so many pictures and so little time to post anymore. Here are a few pictures about what we have been doing.
In September, Ethan started preschool. He loves learning and playing, that is for sure. This picture was taken on his first day.
Playing at the park is where you will find us when we are not at home. Ethan is also learning to dress himself, picking out his own clothes. Its hard to let go and let him when he chooses things like this.
Fall Beach trip in the beginning of October. This included a 7 mile run on the beach (exhilarating!), playing in the sand, getting cozy in the house, and going to Newport where we walked on the docks, and went to the aquarium and saw Sharks.
Liam and Ethan watching the fish and sharks below at the aquarium.
Newport docks, always fun to walk around and see the otters, and boats.
Liam being silly in the tub. He is always doing things like this.
The boys playing tackle is like bread and butter. It is a daily occurrence in our home. Liam puts up a pretty good fight.
Another of Liam's adventures. He got stuck here,and screamed till I got him out. Of course I had to take a picture first.
We went to this pumpkin patch with Ethan's preschool. Shortly after we arrived I looked around to find Ethan, who had wondered about 50 feet from me, pushing a large pumpkin down the hill. As soon as it started rolling I started running after it. It was headed straight for the cars parked at the bottom of the hill. I kept thinking about all the money I would shell out if it nailed one of those cars. Curiosity surely got the best of him that day. I will never forget that moment, and never forget what it was like to push/roll that pumpkin back up the hill. Below is the picture of Ethan and that pumpkin when we had rolled it back halfway to where it started.
These two are great friends, and love going to school together.
Yet another pose of Liam getting stuck again in the same place, and yes I took a picture before I helped him out again.
Liam's love for the vacuum. There are no words for it. He chases it and once he has caught up to it, he puts his mouth all over it like he is trying to make out with it. He loves that thing.
I just love Liam's smile, so cute! We are just trying to get more chubs on him. He only weighs what Ethan weighed at 6 months.
We went cheap this year. Liam wore Ethan's first Halloween costume, the monkey. He hated it as much as Ethan did too.
Ethan busy "working." His play is truly his work. Its important and always takes presidence over everything else. Liam just can't let him do it all alone, he is a little bit of a trouble maker.
Daddy has started telling bedtime stories. The stories are all about a guy named Codyack Jack and his mule, Bucket. Ethan loves them, and asks for them nearly every night. Ethan has since started his own series about a spider who turns into superman and eats dirt and then turns back into a spider and gets caught in his own web.
Halloween pumpkins: Ethan requested the cat and "helped" daddy drill all the holes for the nose, mouth and whiskers. And of course the classic Jack-o-lantern.
Ethan and his good friend Clair at their school parties. Ethan a firefighter, definitely no shock there. He sleeps with that jacket on.
Last but not least, Liam. I love this little guy. He loves the swings at the park. I just thought this picture was cute.